From: Emily
This is a picture of two girls barely over 18 dressing up for a "Pimps and Hoes" party. The photo was taken just to show people
that there was a party that was fun and had a theme to it. As I look back on the photo there are many stereotypical values. I am showing how women are made to think of sexual objects in order for people to look at them. In the bigger scheme my photo shows how girls like to dress up sexy and have a fun time but in reality they are two girls having fun in a person's house. This party and picture was of my friend and me and by looking at it I was very shocked. The most permanent object in this photo is the pictures in the background. There are four graduation pictures of my brothers that are there for people to walk in and imagine a successful family. By taking the picture in front of those pictures can represent that we are more interested in making fast cash instead of going to college. Many people are subject to this concept which led them into the pornography or
dancing business. This is also representing with the fake money sticking out of our leggings. This shows that women like to have money and will putt it anywhere in order to have it. The money is flaunting around in the leggings just so we can show people that we look so good that people give us money. This represents male dominance. The cups in the hands have the word PIMP written on them. I included this because it portrays that all girls that dance or want to be sexy have "pimps." This is very misleading because most women are very independent. The make-up is on the face heavy to portray the "sexiness". Many people put dark or brighter colors and thick on there faces for people to look at them. The last thing that stands out is the clothing. The clothing is very revealing showing all the curves in the body. This stresses that men look at women's bodies in order to find them attractive.
Corinne McDonough
Womens Studies
I believe this picture is a great example of how society tries to encourage males and females to act like they are “pimps” or “hoes”. Also, the picture represents how girls are encouraged to dress sexy and slutty, just to be accepted. The photo also has a pimp cup present. To me, this represents how males are precieved as more dominant then females. Although, nowadays women can be just as dominant and independent. I do not agree with society encouraging women and young girls to dress skimpy, and show a lot of skin. This photograph is a great representation of “gender as social demands” in that it shows how women are viewed as just something to look at, instead of their own indivdual selves. While men and boys are represented as strong, cool, pimps! Overall, I picked this photo because this is an issue I seem to have to deal with everyday. I am always told that I do not dress sexy, and that I need to show more skin. In my opinion, I think that dressing like that will just make me look like every other girl.
In this picture I feel that girls go out of their way to get attention mostly from guys just so they can feel good about themselves. They feel the need to show alot of skin and wear alot of make-up to get the guys to notice. But why can't they just be themselves and accept who they are? Obiviously the media! All the tv commercials and shows the girls grow up watching later grow up and learn they need to do so much to their bodies to get appreciated.
Young women are especailly influenceed to act out more sexually. In magazine ads especailly women are constantly shown as over-sexualized women. Sex sells everything from makeup to food. These girls have picked up on this "sexy" girl image. I think also the pimps and hoes label is very representative of how young women and men are suppose to act during adolescents. Boys are suppose to act like pimps having many different girlfriends. And girls are suppose to act like sluts. This is the wat they get attention.
Women are made to look as they are sex objects in this photo. The reason that they seem to not mind this is because the fact that they are recieving positive attention from guys. Women like being the center of attention and having men think they are beautiful. They are willing to degrade themselves in order to recieve this attention from boys.
This photograph is what the typical facebook and myspace profile picture would consist of. The two females within the photo are scantily dressed and psoing provocitively. In the background are four senior photo's of males, looking pristigous. It is indeed ironic how in most ad's presented by the media have men looking "book smart" and females looking "street smart".
The first things I notice in this photo are the senior pictures in the background. It does not even seem like the girls in the picture come from the same family as the boys in the background because, even though the girls look the same age as the boys' pictures, they do not have senior pictures on the mantle. They also look a lot less respectable compared to the boys. Clearly the boys and the girls were exposed to different influences that made them become so opposite. It would have been interesting to see the girls' senior pictures on the mantle also to show that even though girls are socialized differently from boys, they are still accomplishing the same thing, dispelling the stereotype that girls are less competent than boys.
I see less of what you explain, of how the clothing and objects the girls are holding shows how women are money and attention hungry, etc, and more of how girls are conditioned to look a certain way for men specifically. This would make sense because the girls are standing in front of the pictures of the boys, who have looks of content on their faces. However, the boys in the pictures are genuinely smiling because of their accomplishments, not because of women dressing scantily. This hidden message really shows irony and questions why women do outrageous things for other people.
Too many young people, both men and women, are influenced by what we see on TV and in other media. This is a clear example of that. These girls ideas of sexuality are over exaggerated.
This photo is quite possibility one of the best photos to describe how sexiness is viewed. The less clothing a girl has the more attractive or appealing she is. It is almost ridiculous because if a girl refuses to sometimes wear revealing clothes she is viewed as a prude or snobbish. you can hardly find an advertisement weather for a new SUV or for window cleaner that does not have a woman that is barely clothed. Being almost nude is viewed as the thing to do. the objectification of women is the trend. As many marketing agents would say "sex sells". I feel that society should instead reinforce the principle that nudity does not equal sexiness, but for that to happen the social construction of beauty would need to change. I'd like to be an optimist.
Young girls are influenced by music videos to be seductive and use their body to manipulate men. And this picture shows how these music videos has influenced them to dress seductive for men.
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