From Angela
This photo is used to show how gender role is based on the socialization of children which starts at the home, and how socialization at home can affect how girls are allowed to express their own personality. These sisters have grown up together, one playing with dolls, the other doing sports and games. Being raised by the same parents, in a good home where they are allowed to express themselves, they have become young girls with different and individual characteristics. The girl with her pink dress lifted up the way she holds it, and a tiara in her hair shows that she has seen enough princess movies to know she's supposed to pick up her skirt, smile, and look pretty. The girl in a karate stance, hands fisted and feet set apart, has a confident look that shows her self assurance. The ‘girl’ pink dress is a hallmark of traditional femininity, and is used to show that she is “all girl”. The blue of the karate belt is not a standard belt color, but a ‘boy’ blue, because karate is considered a boy activity, but the color only takes up apart of her outfit, suggesting that while she is doing a boy activity at the time, it is only one part of her chosen gender role.
I think this picture has a very significant meaning. It shows that nature not nurture can determine someone's personality. With wonderful parents like this who allowed these two girls to go down their own paths and choose who they want to be is a spectacular thing. It is such a rare thing to see parents letting their children try things they want to do without the parents influence. The most noticable thing is that they are so young and most likely twins with such opposite lives. The picture was set up with the girls sharing equal space inside the full frame shot. This gives both of the girls equal importance and value to the shot. The angle is even showing equal balance between the girls not letting one be more important than the other. Both of them are looking straight at the camera to show that they are strong and not ashamed of who they are. They both have positive stances to show they are proud of thier outfits and identity. The girl in the pink dress is displaying the expected characteristics of a young girl as being pretty in pink princess costumes. The girl in the karate outfit is being preseneted as a tomboy with the unexpected interests of a young girl. They both seem happy and pleased with the lifestyles they have made and standing side by side shows they are supportive of the other's lifestyle. They can still get along and play together even though they are so different. Overall, I think it is a well taken picture.
I thought that this photograph is a good example of how the parents of these young girls have few stereotypic attitudes and that they allow gender flexibility in their home. By, allowing gender flexibility the young girls are able to decide what they want to do individually. Like, the one girl participates in karate, which is considered a boy activity, and the other takes on a more “girly” role by dressing up like a princess. Also, the lighting in the photo is more on the girl in the dress than the girl in the karate outfit; it shows that it’s more socially accepted. The girl in the princess dress is taller than the girl in the karate outfit; it represents that it’s more common for girls to dress up instead of do karate or just sports.
I think this picture is a good example of how not all children conform to the commons gender roles. The girl in the pink dress is dressing up and doing what is seen as a common girl activity. The girl on the left is dressed up in her karate outfit doing what is commonly seen as a boy activity. Because the color blue is normally associated with boys, I think the blue belt on her karate outfit symbolizes that it is something more commonly accepted for boys. Because the color pink is commonly associated with girls, I think the color pink on the other girls dress symbolizes that what she is doing is more acceptable for girls to do. Both of the girls are posing in a way that goes along with the outfit they are wearing and the role they are playing. Both of the girls look happy and do not seem to be bothered by what the other one is doing or wearing. I think by having the girls look happy it shows their acceptance of what they are wearing and doing and that they have not conformed to gender roles. I think this is a good picture and really shows that not all kids conform to gender roles.
Is their socialisation? yes. However, that doesn't mean that one has to conform. well done for pointing this out. Too often, we're told to believe that we are forced to conform but everyone has the choice.
I really like this photo and i think that gender roles are formed at home before the media impacts what kids think. Parents play a key role whether their children participate in certain activities and if they are confident. The girl in the karate outfit is clearly comfortable which reflects how she was brought up.
This is a great example of how parents raise their children affects how their personalities will develop. These parents probably raised their daughters different ways with different interests and now their personalities are noticeably different.
This shows that women can do boy realated things and can be involved in sports and still be accepted. The one girl is dressed as a princess and is seen as a typical young girl. The other is in a karate outfit with a blue belt. This is a "male acitiity" but the girl is still accepted in todays society and she is going against the traditional sterotype of a girly girl.
This photograph really presents a valid point that everyone is different. Society has a large factor of who we are and how we think, but we are who we are. So, love and accept :)
Although these sisters in the picture were raised by parents that encourage self expression, there is still a hidden message. That is that "dress up" is a more feminine activity to participate in. The little girl in the dress looks passive. On the other hand karate, most commonly associated with boy activities portrays the other little girl as agressive in the way she stands and her agressive confidence. It also seems that the karate girl is standing more towards the camera, while the princess girl seems to be standing more behind her.
I found it a bit interesting that this photo was centered just a bit more on the girl in the Karate uniform. Was this maybe a subconscience preference of the photographer? Either way, I like the contrast of the outfits and the fact that you know they can co-exist in harmony.
I found it a bit interesting that this photo was centered just a bit more on the girl in the Karate uniform. Was this maybe a subconscience preference of the photographer? Either way, I like the contrast of the outfits and the fact that you know they can co-exist in harmony.
This picture is a good example which tells us that there are parents who give total freedom to their kids to enjoy what they like. The girl in the beautiful pink dress appears very feminine and 'girly' becuase of her pose and her clothes. But at the same time she also looks very weak and vulnerable. However, the girl in the karate dress looks tough, confident and powerful which signifies the difference between the activities expected from girls and boys. The girl in pink dress is an example what people expect from a women, whereas the girl in karate dress is an example people expect out of men. This picture shows us Gender Socialization, but at the same time also shows us that girl's activities are weaker than boy's activities.
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