Tuesday, October 19, 2010

So This is What I Have to Look Forward to?

From: Katie V.
In my photo “So This is What I Have to Look Forward to” I am depicting the idea of what Halloween is from the transition of childhood to adolescence.  As a child the excitement of Halloween comes from how creative your costume can be, how scary, even what character from a book or movie you idealize the most at that time.  From age 4 to around age 10 the concept is “how many houses can I trick or treat at?” or even “how many pillow cases of candy can I fill up”. As a child I remember coming home and dumping my candy out on the kitchen floor with my brother and comparing each others “fortune”.  We would sort them, count them and even eat some as we went. Halloween was and still remains one of my favorite holidays because of this concept.  Unfortunately, times have changed, but only as you age.  Children at the ages of 4-10 still do this,they still love the true idea of Halloween.  As you get older however the concept changes, especially for girls.  Instead of how creative your costume can be now its how slutty, how much skin you can show, and whose costume is the most popular.  At this age its about parties, beer and boys.  In my picture I show a young girl, age 6, dressed up in a beautiful “princess-like” costume, sitting in a very innocent pose and surrounded by candy.  Further up on the steps, and in age, I show an adolescent girl dressed in a provocative “nurse-like” costume drinking beer and sitting in a very seductive pose. I photographed this scene from a below, a young girls perspective to show the idea of an age “timeline”.  I also photographed the picture at an off centered horizon to show how unsettling this notion is. The target of this photo would likely look at this scene seeing what she is familiar with, a young girl, princess costume and candy and be excited at this idea, only to be disappointed to see what this becomes as she ages….so this is what I have to look forward to?


cacreech said...

The photo, “So This is What I Have to Look Forward to” depicts how are culture affects the growth of our youth. For young little girls and boys on Halloween, going trick of treating for yummy candy and dressing up as your favorite character is ideal. Some how in our culture the gender roles for girls go from pretty princess and some “sexified“ uniform. As you can see in this picture, the little girl is in a princess costume with candy surrounding her. Then, right above her a young girl in a sexy nurse’s outfit surrounded by beer. This shows how the media tackles different age groups with its influence on appearance and behavior.

DiamondL said...

This photo shows how overtime girls to young ladys change in different ways. On Halloween the little girls dress up to be a little princess but as they get older they no longer want to be that little princess they want to have less clothes on. The older girls has beer in her hand she wasn't trying to have candy she is older in thanks she is to grown for candy. The media can be the cause for all this.