Monday, March 28, 2011

I Wanna Be Like You

From Arlene
The above picture depicts how the media teaches young girls to self stereotype in order to live up to their gender role expectations. I stand in the center of the picture surrounded by versions of myself that I have created in an attempt to fit into the roles shown on the screen behind me. There is the Domestic me, emulating Snow White, the Bride, emulating Barbie, and the Seductress, emulating Jessica Rabbit. All of these images are from children’s films or television, and I chose to show them on such a ridiculously oversized screen to emphasize the huge influence that the media has on developing personalities and how, even when the screen is off, such images are always lurking in the back of the mind and controlling our behavior.

Each of these self-stereotypes has a satisfied smile on her face, and they surround me like a pack of animals, pressuring me to conform. They are all posed in an overly graceful or sexual manner and are covered in thick layers of make-up, indicating that they are versions of myself that I have created. They aren’t realTheir attractive, sexual appearances are in direct contrast to the true me standing in the center of the photo who is not wearing make-up and is standing insecurely in plain white underwear. I chose to wear white underwear to underscore the fact that this is me in my purest, most basic form. My lack of clothes indicates that I have yet to try on the roles that one is expected to wear in society, and to emphasize my vulnerability. I stare directly into the camera to show that in this situation I alone have a link with the outside world. The self-stereotypes surrounding me have no connection to reality except through me and, because of this, vie for my attention.  However by my insecure posture you can tell that I have not realized my own power; I have internalized the shallow definition of femininity that these images provide, and give my self-stereotypes power over me by allowing them to make me feel insecure in my own womanhood. A superficial smile has also been taped over my mouth, mirroring the smiles worn by my self-stereotypes, emphasizing the fact that we are not only pressured to adopt these roles, but to be completely satisfied in them. The glossy, happy veneer that the self-stereotypes are packaged in makes them attractive to young girls, but it is precisely this expectation of happiness and satisfaction that takes away our voices, as we filter what we say in order to fit into this role of satisfied sweetness. 

But this self stereotyping does not just serve to stifle our true voices; it also has a very real effect on the choices that we make. For this reason, I had each of my self-stereotypes hiding or blocking something from my view. The Domestic is not just vacuuming in this photo; she is crushing and sucking up my paints and brushes, symbolizing the hobbies and interests that many women feel pressured to give up when all their time is devoted to housework. Similarly, the Bride holds a briefcase behind her back while she tries to distract me with her wedding ring. The briefcase, which has documents and money peeking out of it, is symbolic of the career ambitions and financial independence women so often abandon in their pursuit of a husband. Finally, the Seductress is literally standing over books of classic literature, symbolizing education, depicting how in pursuit of this role many girls suppress their intelligence in order to seem more attractive.  


HeatherR said...
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Unknown said...

Media gives women so many distorted views of who they should be. Girls don’t know whether they are supposed to grow up and cook and clean and have a husband and children, or if they are supposed to be single, career driven women. We get so many different images of what we’re supposed to be we don’t know which one to choose.

Unknown said...

Gender role expectations are seen throughout the media today. This persons picture really shows how a woman is suppose to be motherly, one who cleans, but also one who is very sexual. Sometimes its confusing which role is accepted more. Children begin at an early age learning these roles by the media and there peers. These roles have also made many women feel low in self esteem or they have no real identity in life. Great post and very creative using yourself playing diffrent roles.

Christy S. said...

Again, we see the power of the media. They tell us how to act, what do wear, and who to emulate. We should just focus on emulating the qualities that we admire instead of a carbon copy of someone.

DiamondL said...

This photo shows how the media plays a part in what women can become. When their is not many choices to choose from. Women are looked at to already have their life planed out of not being someone who makes the most money but taking care of the kids and doing house work. When the role is changed and the women are bringing home all the money then there becomes a problem. The men now have to do all the women’s work, clean around the house and make sure the kids are taking care of. I think as time goes on you will see the men and women become more equal with what happens in their life and the roles they take on.