From: Kaleigh
This photograph resembles how boys learn what to do to become a young man. The culture that young boys are around today, make them do certain things to fit in. For instance, when boys go through puberty they are
told they need to keep what is called a clean cut for the ladies. If they don't most likely the young girls will think it's weird to have such facial hair at that age. When boys go through puberty younger than other's they are usually pointed out as being older looking. Being at that point in life makes them very conscious of what image they want to pursue.On the other hand, hairstyles can influence what sport they are involved in and what group of friends they hang around with. For example, certain hairstyles can be stereotypical. Furthermore, if boy's have long hair they are considered to be a "laxer" or "skater". Therefore young boys fall into cliques that are made by others judgment. Our society today is what influences young kids to follow specific rules depending on if they're a female or male.
I completely agree that a certain hairstyle a boy has can place them into stereotyped groups! All of my guy friends with short, buzzed hair are all football players or baseball players. And when a guy with long hair walks by they make fun of him for being a “laxer bro”. On the other hand I think guys really want to have facial hair to show they are more manly than other guys and if they don’t have any they shave anyway just to seem cool.
Great picture to change it off of female culture. This young boy looks like hes just in puberty and really looking to get some facial hair. Im not a boy but I do know that fitting in is a big deal when you that age so as not ot be made fun of or left out of the group. I also like how the author brought up about how the hair shape of a boy can place him in a group. This is usually true today because to be a "laxer" having their hair a certain way makes it easier to have the helmet on. All in all great picture to show how even boys have to make sure they fit in and deal with pressures to succomb to being a real boy.
I think that any man can relate to this picture. men are supposed to be clean cut, and not have a 5 o'clock shadow. It even goes beyond the facial hair. There is no doubt that if men have a certain hairstyle they will be seen as "punk" or "girly" or a "skater." I think that guys have much bigger egos than woman, but woman give into social pressures a lot more!
I think it is so interesting that boys, while they fight getting older and the signs that show it, girls wish for the features and signs that they are maturing. Boys are teased for having facial hair or their voices deepening but girls are teased for being flat chested or not shaving their legs. Boys and girls are pushed in two completely different directions for so much of their lives- it is no wonder the transition isn't so smooth when attempting to pull them together.
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