Friday, October 9, 2009


From: Hillary
This is a picture of a twenty-two year old woman that struggles with an eating disorder known as bulimia nervosa. This photo was taken to show the negative affects the media has on girls' and women' culture. In our society this is a problem that millions of American women face. Girls are taught the meaning of beauty at a very young age, and so many of them conform to it. According to the media, the idea of being beautiful is based on how skinny you are. Many women think that in order to be beautiful you have to look like a model, and they will do whatever it takes to fit in, including picking beauty over health. The picture was taken looking down on the woman to show the lack of control that she has over this disorder as well as over the media. The woman's face is hidden to show that she is no more significant than any other woman that struggles with bulimia. This is simply because there are an extreme amount of people just like her. The lighting is very bright in order to emphasize how serious the affects of the media and the modeling industry really are. This is an important thing that needs to be brought to peoples attention. In the picture there are certain things in the foreground that I brought significant light to. Eva Thin, "Hydroxycut", and the scale are three of them. This is because these are all things that have triggered her bulimia, and kept it going. The view of these objects was meant to draw direct attention.


maggie said...
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maggie said...

this is a good picture because it shows how much the media influences girls. bulimia is a serious issue in our society and is encouraged by magazines and television. girls should be shown that they need to love the bodies they have and should not feel forced to be something their not and to be very thin. bulimia is extremely unhealthy and girls are risking their health for beauty.

melody12 said...

This photo to me shows the negative affect that the media has on young girls. The media is constantly showing women with the so called "perfect figure", which what girl doesnt want a perfect figure. The scale to me is showing the constant want to be media perfect. The gum shows how even though they are clearly fighting a disorder they are more worried about looking what they think is perfect then seeking help for their disorder. The magazines are all open to weight loss pages like say goodbye to cellulite, eva THIN, etc. In the one magazine THIN is the thing that stands out the most, which i think symbolizes how big the problem is with girls who are trying to be thin. The weight loss pills are spilled over which might mean that whoever is taking them may be taking to many at a time to try to lose more weight faster. This picture really shows how much the media is affecting people especially young women by making them think that to be beautiful you have to be thin. This picture to me is showing how young women are more worried about beauty than they are health.

LucyS said...

This picture really shows how women can't escape the media's harmful image of the perfect body. Even when this woman is throwing up there are magazines beside the toilet that are telling her to keep on going because she still isn't good enough despite the forcible vomiting. The vomit in the toilet and the pills on the scale show us just how much body image matters to women. Some women would risk harm to their body or even death rather than being overweight by the media's "standards". The scale is a measure of this woman's self worth; the media says the less she weighs the more valuable she is to society. This photo very effectively deglamourizes what the media makes so glamorous.

Emily C said...

This is a wonderful picture to show how girls are influenced. The media shows girls being very thin but does not talk about the ways they become thin other than exercise. Many people have eating disorders that harm them everyday. Not only having a eating disorder is sickly but it is also very gross looking. This picture shows the throw-up perfectly and then the image the girl is trying to become.

jes p said...
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jes p said...

This photo is a good example of how involved the media is with females in today’s society. The young girl in the photo is thin but compares herself to celebrities like Eva Longoria. Although, unlike the celebrities; she does not have a personal chef or trainer to achieve a “perfect body”. So, she relies on what the media tells her to use to lose weight. Such as, diet pills, anorexia, and bulimia. However, regardless of all the side effects, many girls would rather be extremely thin rather than healthy. And even though she may already be thin, the girl in the photo still looks unhappy, exhausted, and somewhat ashamed of herself. Overall, I believe the media influences females to never truly feel happy with themselves as an individual.

depaor1 said...

There are two issues to be addressed here. The first is the claim that one cannot overcome the media's influence. This, in part, is where parents are supposed to step up and guide their teenagers. The second is, that women are uniquely targeted by media's negative influence. One only needs to look at the problem of steroid and supplement abuse in young male atheletes to see that they are under the same pressure.

DonyaE said...

This picture illustrates a very good explanation on how girls are very influenced by the media. In magazines that are sold in today’s society one of the most important things is your weight and body figure. It’s always advertising something as in oh you need to be thin to look sexy or you can lose 10 pounds in two weeks if you do this. The sad thing is that a lot of girls actually follow through with this and that is how it’s affective. The picture shows a lot of color and the camera is focused mainly on the girl and how the eating disorder affects girls emotionally and physically. The way that the picture was taken was excellent also the items that were chosen the meaning of the scale, her being able to check her weight and make sure she is very underweight. The medicine also illustrates how much she is trying to stay thin and the magazines are representing how the girl is trying to be just the people in the magazine.

Gabrielle Weissburg said...

This is a great photo that shows the extent girls will go to in order to be beautiful. The media is the leading cause of why girls change their bodies and try to be what society thinks is attractive. Models give girls bad expectations a are not realistic.

CarolineD said...

Women deal with a lot of stuggles in order to feel beautiful. They go through these eating disorders which can cause major health issues but they feel that its worth it. Beauty is worth the pain to these girls. People expect so much out of women to look perfect and this is what that pressure does to these girls.