From: Kayley
Gender socialization is a huge part of the American culture. Growing older can be difficult when perfection seems to be the set standard. Children often have the desire to resemble their idols, and role models. Attempting to appear similar to one another can cause gender socialization. Most children make an effort, conscious or not, to fit in with those around them. This picture is centered around the idea that children should stay innocent as long as possible. The youth of our country will most likely grow older, and conform to society. Unfortunately, drastic measures would probably have to be taken to remove children away from the idea of imitation. Individuals must understand that the image we pursue could be likely to cause a change in others.
It's not drastic measures that need be taken. It's parents recognizing their responsibility and teaching their children the values they want them to have. If parents let society, the TV, or god forbid fashion magazines, rule their children then they have failed their children.
These are materials that women in use in order to feel beautiful. They see women on television using these products and want to be like the stunning women they see on tv. They use magazines in order to look the way these women do in the pictures.
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