From: Rachel
This photo shows a 6 year old girl at an amusement park with the army men from Toy Story. She looks very unhappy. Gender labels as social demands tells this child that girls are not suppose to like "boy toys" so she doesn't even want to take a picture with these men. She feels that all the people around her will frown upon her liking these types of toys. She almost looks ashamed to be next to these toys. The men in the background are even looking at this little girl oddly, as if they are thinking, "Why is this little girl taking a picture with the army guys? She should be taking pictures with Mrs. Potato Head or Little Bo Peep." The little boys in the picture are able to pose with the army men without worrying because it is expected of them those types of toys. The gender labels as social demands gives the boys permission to like the army men and be praised while they almost prohibit the girl from liking them and if she even wants to take a picture with them she is looked at with a confusion by people passing by. By this age boys and girls know what toys are "acceptable" to play with in the eyes of there peers and adults.
The men in the background are even looking at this little girl oddly, as if they are thinking...
If it is wrong for society to have impose pressure on individual behavior is it not also wrong, prejudicial even, to presume what someone else is thinking?
I think this picture also shows the difference mannerisms between little girls and boys. Boys are supposed to be silly and noisy while girls are suppposed to be passive and quiet. This picture shows this well with the little boy posing with the toys and the little girl standing there calmly.
Looking around in toy catalogs, there definitely are toys that are specifically for boys and toys that are specifically for girls. If a girl were to play with a “boy’s toy” she could feel ashamed about it, but it all depends on how the parents teach their kids that it is ok to play with any toy they want, they will still get weird looks because society has made their own thoughts of what the “norms” are.
You can see why the little girl wouldnt be happy. The girl is young but probably for adleast two years she has been influenced to play with the opposite kind of toys then toy soliders. Things like baby dolls and teddy bears make her happy because this is what society thinks is okay. If a little girl did like these toy men it would be strange. That is why the men in the background are suprised.
This picture shows the diference between boys and girl toys. Boys are known to like violent toys such as army men. Girls are more interested in princesses and fairy tales. This creates a sterotype between boys and girls toys.The girl is unhappy surrounded by boys toys and this is how the sterotype was created.
This photo is silent, but speaks very loud. The young girl stands amongst white males, the exception of one white female. The little girl is African American and seems to be ashamed and embarrassed. The She is between two young men and in the background a few older males. The body language is in much contrast. The young girl is closed off and slumped over, as the boys arms are spred out and playful.
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