From Heather
Premature Sexualization in young females is a direct result of advertising in the media. It portrays women in a certain way and young girls try desperately to conform. This includes skin color. Society has established a perfect skin color which is not too light and not too dark. This encourages the use of bleaching creams and fake tanning methods. Young girls think by conforming to such influences they will become socially accepted amongst their peers. Celebrities and product marketing have a huge impact on how far young girls are willing to go to portray this stereotype of beauty. By having many pictures of tanned, "perfect" women and tanning products in the upper portion of the picture, we feel the weight and pressure that is placed on the young girl to fit in. The extreme contrast between her pale arm and the darkness of the faux tan lotion shows how drastic of a change she is willing to go. By having her arm in only a small portion of the photo shows how insignificant she feels in comparison to the overwhelming societal influence.
I agree with the fact that there are many pressures in society for young women. However, this is why we have parents who help to influence what the children are exposed to, how much tv they watch, and who their friends are.
This is a great example of how far women are to go to live up to the extreme high standards that are "set." In our society it does not make sense that women have to suffer and put so much effort into ourselves just so we can be a target of audience for a group of males. I’m not saying males do not go through a lot to look their best but as women we are exposed much more often. All in all I like the photo in the way that it shows the super change women go through to look beautiful.
This is very true in the world today. Girls feel so much pressure to be a certain way and look a certain way. I know that I have felt like I had to go to a tanning salon or use the creams in order to look pretty like the women in the media. I like how you set the picture up as well, and agree that having the pictures above the girls’ arm makes us see the pressure to look like that weighing down on the girl. And the very dark color of the tanning lotion just goes to prove how far girls are willing to go to look like models or actresses in the media.
I think trying to match "the right skin tone" is true for a lot of girls/woman. Most girls i know fake tan to get the perfect skin color. These girls put their bodies through this knowing the side effects just so they can be attractive. Girls get idea the most important thing is the way they look because of the media.
I think this picture is very good. I like the setup how everything is together. I also like how you put in the pictures of celebritys because they are consider the "ideal beauty". But that ideal beauty can't be acheieved without all the extra makeup and the changing of ones self. I think that putting the self tanner lotions in here was a good way ofproving this. Self tanners are in the makrey because the media has convinced women that to be beautfiul you must be tan.
I blame the media! But I must ask who constructs the idea's that light skin is associated with beauty. Young women are put under a microscope, they are expected to be flawlessly beautiful because of what they see in the media. This can cause many psychological problems as well as physical. This contributes to a low self esteem, eating disorders and etc.
This shows how the women who are portrayed as being perfect really influence young girls. They will do anything to be like these women they see on television. This includes making their skin darker in order to be more beautiful and look as these fake women do in the media.
The media bombards the adolescent mind almost every second of every day. From billboards to magazenes, and television to music. The media gives it's viewers the suggestion that they are supposed to fit into a certain category and not venture off to another because it's not "normal". The photograph shown is a great example of the media's pressures because the young female is trying to replicate the skin color of celebrities. Most celebrities are toxic examples of the media's idea of role models and for people to buy certain products.
I noticed how the pictures of the celebrities in your photo looked orange. You could have said something about how girls are trying to conform to something that is not even real be emulating tan/orange skin. Just like the beauty of thinness and how not all models are that skinny, most girls are trying to look beautiful and tan like a lot of celebrities do and take it too far.
I like your idea, though. You could have taken this idea is another direction by having a dark-skinned woman pretending to bleach her skin next to a light-skinned woman putting on tanner. It is amazing how some women who are dark strive to be lighter and some women who are light strive to be darker (conflicting beauty standards). It is very disempowering when a whole culture stops embracing their own ethnicities.
Fake tanning and skin coloration seems to be an increasing pressure that young women and girls face today. However, it should be strongly encouraged to avoid using these methods. I know someones sister who was an extremely competative pagent contestant and used fake tanning to fit the image, and over time developed a serious case of skin cancer due to the use of tanning beds. She now encourages young women and girls to avoid the use of fake tanning methods.
This picture gives a great example of what a girl will do to fit in. Girls and women see images everyday of what they are supposed to look like. The media portrays the fact that if they don’t look like what they see on television that they won’t fit in. The girls will do what they see on television to fit in even if its not healthy for you. Which the title "Dye-ing To Fit In" is perfect for this picture. Even though the tanning and bleaching of the skin is unhealthy the girls still do it so that they can fit in to society.
I agree with the fact that girls today go to an extreme to look beautiful. I can't understand why so many of females go through this phase and for some it last a life time. I think the title was great because allot of what females do to make themselves look and feel beautiful can cause death.
Young girls are growing up into a world were they are boxed. To fit in, they have to have flawless skin, big breast and be blond. This picture shows how the media influences young girls.The pictures on the table are airbrushed but young girls don't know this, so they find different types of products and ways to look like these celebrities.
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