From: Julie C.
This is a picture of a teen girl striving to keep up with the image of beauty. In the background is a television on the t.v. is the show Sex and the City, a show with four women who are pretty and successful. The girl in the picture is heavily influenced by today's media and trying to keep up with modern society and the typical stereotype to be a thin beautiful women. The girl is holding a slim fast and diet pills wondering if she should take them or not, even though she doesn't like the taste of the drink or taking pills. It shows how girls will do what it takes to feel pretty even if it's doing things they don't like. There is also a mirror, lipstick, and a beauty book the girl is using to try to be her ideal self. The make-up and the hairstyles make her feel wanted. She is not focusing on her education or just being herself which would get her farther in life. She only wants the be like the beautiful women she see's in the magazines, books and on the television. She doesn't realize that what the media shows not a average women and every women has flaws. I took the picture above her to show how she feels down about herself. Her facial expression shows she is confused on what to do to feel confident of the way she see's herself. The lights are dimmed because she is insecure and sad.
If you want to be strong and independent then just change the channel to something else and think for yourself and do not let the media corrupt your mind.
I think this picture shows how big of an impact the media has on teen's. They advertise losing ten pounds in ten mintutes which clearly is not healthy. But people still choose diets to get the body the meida projects, no matter how unhealthy on dangerous it may be.
As I grow older, I realized that there is an overwhelming need for beauty. Girls feel so much pressure to look a certain way. And now there are so many products out there to help a girl achieve that look. And it does not help that the media shows us what we are supposed to look like, it’s everywhere. I think that the elements of this picture really help get the message across.
Humans are always begging for approval. If the media wasn't always there showing us unhealthy ways to get approval maybe we wouldn't be mutilating our true beauty to obtain it. We wouldn't be sitting at the front counter letting everyone know how far we will go. Seeing a girl with diet pills wouldn't mean wow she cares about how she looks. It could be seen as the cry for help that it is.
This shows the struggles that women go through in order to live up to todays beauty standards. People have put this idea in women's head that in order to be beautiful you must be thin. It's all over the media. As seen in the back, Sex and The City is playing and this is the exact image of how girls want to look.
I think that this photo is a great reflection of teen girls today. She brought out every detail and the dim lights really help to make the statement about girls today: INSECURE. It’s based on what the media think about us not how we actually want to be or should be.
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