From: Abbigail
“Looking up to beauty” is a picture I took from the floor looking up through a glass table. I did this to show that girls from even a young age look at these magazines see the products and view these celebrities on television. The circle table I chose is used as a symbol to show how beauty products are sold to young girls and women all the way up to their 50’s and 60’s. (The table is also used as a symbol for the glass ceiling, now-a-days more and more women are breaking through that ceiling in the workplace, but it is still very much the same in the beauty industry). In today’s standards if you are not using these products you are considered to be not feminine. The magazine on the left has Jennifer Love Hewitt on the cover in just her underwear. All of the captions around her talk about how to take inches off your belly, and tips on how to stay skinny. Why can’t females just be beautiful without all of the products and standards of the world? The beauty industry is making millions off of making women and girls feel bad about the way they look. If your eye lashes do not have enough volume they sell mascara just for a girl like you. Turn on the T.V and you will find that more than half of the commercials shown are just for women. Showing weight loss supplements or makeup ads, usually with celebrities talking about how it changed their career. This picture shows how the media portrays what a female should look like, and what products to use all just to conform to one idea of beauty.
I think the angle of this picture is what makes this such a really good representation of the media and its effects on young girls. The picture being taken underneath the table represents looking up to what is "expected" to be beautiful. Even if a girl reached for the beauty standard, there's still a boundary in between them and media (symbolized by the glass in between the girl and product). There will always be a new trend or style and new ways to influence girls to change their image. It seems unattainable to because the media's perceptions are constantly changing, making it impossible to be as “perfect' as the models in magazines or in the media in general.
Girls depend on these products in order to feel good about themselves.They see these products sold on tv that make actresses look beautiful. They put these things on in order to gain the acceptance of others. They feel that these products make them beautiful.
The angle of the picture could also explain how that beauty standard is unattainable. If the picture's viewpoint were a little farther away, it could show how the child may be looking up to something that seems ideal, but she will never fully achieve it because it is impossible for most people to look that way. The circle of the table could also represent a magnifying glass, where the girl looking could be overanalyzing the images and then recreating them as her own with the products. However, the viewpoint to me actually seems like the person is looking down on the influence and the products that are supposed to make her beautiful. Unfortunately, most of us are not constructed to think that way.
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