From: Melody
This photo is a picture of my 14 year old sisters’ room; it is showing the cost of being so called beautiful. As you can see there is a lot of stuff everywhere. There is hairspray, lotions, make-up bags, teeth whitening strips, etc. It’s showing that she needs to keep herself looking good no matter what the costs. This picture shows that a girl must go to any limit in making herself look beautiful just to fit in and feel good about herself. The straightener to make her hair become straight and look beautiful, the lotion to make her hands feel silky smooth, the pantyhose to make her legs look flawless, etc. All items that are either damaging or expensive. The item that seems to mostly stand out to me is the lingerie hanging out of the drawer in the back round. I just think that it is ironic how she has lingerie when she is only 14 years old. I asked her why she had that and she said, “It makes me feel older and beautiful”. This picture is showing how even at a young age kids are already worrying about what they look like. Most of this so called beauty look is produced by the media. Meaning that wearing lots of make-up, smelling good, and having white teeth are what the media refers to as being beautiful. I took this picture from a front view because it is something that we face everyday, whether it is with friends, at home, or even in the mirror. This picture portrays the results that the media has on females.
My View on the Painful Cost of Beauty
In this photo you see a collection of beauty enhancing products. This is not unusual; in fact it is the norm. All most every female in our society subscribes to the theory that she is not good enough the way she is. The social demands placed on woman to achieve this unachievable level of beauty is inflicted on us from the time we are very young. The media, our parents and our peers make it socially unacceptable not to conform to these gender roles.
I believe the most telling part of this photo is not in the photo at all. There is no girl in the picture. Females wear all these cosmetics and go through all these treatments to look beautiful. Females of all ages spend lots of money and time on their appearance to look better. The truth is all we are doing is conforming to society’s expectations of what we should look like. The one standard of beauty we are taught we must achieve in order not to stand out as different. Consequently we are not seen as individuals or worthy just the way we are. We are not free to express our selves through our appearances without scrutiny from others. There is no need to put a face in this photo we all look the same, not good enough.
I agree with Heathers comment on this photo. Although there is no femnale face in this picture, it is obvious that it is taken in a females room. All of these items in the photo are things that are considered "everyday items" in girl world. I can personally say that I own almost every item that is in this photo, aswell as many other girls I know, however I am 21 years old. It is unfortunate that these items are what decides wether a female is beautiful in this day and age. The thing that bothers me the most about what this photo symbolizes is that the photographer said this was taken in a 14 year olds room. What reason does a 14 year old have for owning lingerie? It absolutely baffles me to think that she would want to buy lingerie to feel "older and beautiful". Does she even know the commen use that women have for lingerie? I agree that the media does influence how girls think of beauty, but I also think it is the family and older women in the girls lives responsibility to explain to her (and other young girls) that beauty does not have to be like that and that there is no need for a 14 year old to own such provocative items. Beauty is within, end of story. I liked this photo, well done!
I agree with the fact that there are many pressures in society for young women. However, this is why we have parents who help to influence what the children are exposed to, how much tv they watch and who their friends are. Certainly at the age of 14, I know my daughter will not own anything so provocative as lingerie or anything of the sort.
In order for girls to feel that they are beautiful they feel the need to go out and buy all these products to do themselves up with. This includes clothes, make up, hair products, and more. There are a lot of things thay they need to do with themselves before they leave the house in order to feel beautiful. This is so they have the acceptance of others and so others will like them and find them beautiful.
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