From: Josh
This picture demonstrates the socialization of gender through the socialization of helplessness. For quite some time it has beenœlearned that women are helpless and need a man to come to their rescue. It is obvious in the photograph with the boy helping the girl with her jacket. The Cadillac and other cars suggest an upper middle to upper class socioeconomic neighborhood which is the class which genuinely maintains the socialization of helplessness. The young girl is smiling in response to the boy helping her. This is because the socialization of helplessness goes unrecognized and it has become etiquette and the gentlemanly thing to do for a lady. Women are appreciative of the propriety. In contrast, the boy has the opposite expression which represents his masculinity. This masculinity is typically in the form of men not wanting to do some of these things. The girl is also dressed in pink which has become a color of weakness or non-masculinity. In this case it symbolizes her not being able to do things for herself. The size of the children in the frame suggests them being older than their age. The photograph tells us that socialization of helplessness is very much prevalent and is taught at a young age. This is also true of socialization of gender.
I believe that this picture does show that females are helpless and that they need a male to come to their rescue.
I really like this picture because it demonstrates how woman are viewed at needs a mans assistance and can not do things on their own.
This photo represents the sense of helplessness in society very well. All media shows us that women need to be helped. In video games especially they always show the male rescuing the female. Because we see this everywhere, it becomes normal to females and we are to appreciate it and say thank you.
Stereotypes like these are highly problematic. In our society women are taught to let him make the first move. This will always put the man in the aggressive position and the female in a passive one. This leads to many women's cares and needs not being met because society encourages them to be passive.
This shows that boys are taught to tend to women even at a young age. I agree that women are seen as helpless and need to have a man to depend on. This is why many believe that women are not independent and cannot support themselves.
This photo is interesting because you can or may interpret that the cars in the background are masking as society "watching" and judging societies expections between males and females.
Chivalry is not dead. Nor should it be. I would hope that in the next picture the girl would help him do the exact same thing. I understand what the picture is saying, but I also believe that society could do with a little more looking out for each other.
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