From: Shelby
I set up this picture to convey the message of girls’ dissatisfaction with who they are. This unhappiness is due to society’s demand on the perfect image. In today’s world, there is not necessarily one specific look that is deemed beautiful, yet so many girls want to be something they are not and often times the opposite of who they really are. I chose to crop the picture in this way, cutting off her eyes, to symbolize the insignificance of the girl in the picture. Not that she, herself, is insignificant but that she feels that way because she is bombarded with images of “beauty.”The girl in the picture has dark hair with an olive complexion. If you notice, the images around her are all blonde-haired, blue-eyed, fair-skinned girls. This is who she wants to be. There is one image of a dark-haired girl but she is covered up by a comb, symbolizing that she is not as beautiful as the blonde.All around the dresser is make-up. This shows what girls use to “paint-on” their “beauty.” There are also workout videos on her shelf. This shows what she does in her spare time to maintain her image. The woman on this video is blonde-haired and blue-eyed. Notice, on her shelves, there is not a single book. This symbolizes the extreme emphasis on image and how it can, in some cases, be more important then education.The only book in the entire image is entitled “Sexy Girls.” Again, all about image.There is a flat iron in the reflection of the mirror. This implies that the girl’s hair is naturally curly which she obviously changes regularly.
I feel that the absence of the girl’s eyes makes her represent not just an individual girl, but all young girls. Having two mirrors in the picture shows how aware girls are of the way they look. Girls think about their image at all times and it takes a lot to try to keep up with media’s image of beauty. This is represented by all of the make-up, work out tapes, and hair styling tools.
The movie collections showing girls who are “slim” wearing clothes that the “society wants them to wear” also explains that she has the movies because she is trying to be what the society wants her to be. The clothes in her room that are scattered on the floor and unarranged shows that she is more based on how she looks that she is very picky in choosing what she wears that she basically throws the clothes she doesn’t like on the floor. This is due to the society’s demand from girls. The foundation make-up she has on the left side shows how she doesn’t believe that she is beautiful enough. So she has to put on foundation to make her look better or basically look like the models in the magazine she has on the table.
The fact that the girls face isn't shown is a very strong point of the picture, that anonymity makes the photo speak to no specific age group of girls, it covers a much broader rage; which in my opinion makes the photo work. The placement of objects were very carefully placed, especially the DVD's. The placement of the DVD's, magazines, illustrate what it is that girls in the 21st century are influenced by and what their standards are.
This picture shows more than one source of the media influencing young teens to look at curtain way. There is a magazine displaying unrealistic women making teenagers think that is how the average women should look like when in reality not many women look like that at all. Not only is there magazines but there is a workout video showing a skinny blonde. This shows how important self image is to this young women.
This picture shows more than one source of the media influencing young teens to look at curtain way. There is a magazine displaying unrealistic women making teenagers think that is how the average women should look like when in reality not many women look like that at all. Not only is there magazines but there is a workout video showing a skinny blonde. This shows how important self image is to this young woman.
I like this picture because it is simple yet stands out. The girl's eyes are not shown suggesting blindness to the effects of pressures around her. She is very serious and not smiling and that gives me the impression that she was suddenly forced to grow up faster than she should have and therefore she is not trying to be a serious adult. It also shows how unhappy she is even with the book, magazine, dvds, makeup, and hair straightener. All of these things suggest an inorganic way of life.
This is a good example of our societies limited ideal of beauty. A very little percent of women can actually fit this ideal look and the rest of the population is left to feel unhappy about their body image. You can tell from the picture that the girl looking in the mirror has body issues. Women having to look at these images creates such an unhealthy idea of beauty that is nearly impossible to reach. That is why we have girls in our society with eating disorders like bullimia and annorexia. It's sad that these problems could be avoided if it wasn't for the media.
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