Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"I'm your number 1 fan!"‏

From: Amber
This is a picture of my sister Lindsay. As you can see, she likes to
dress a certain way. The reason that she dresses the way she does, is
due to the influence of the media. The woman featured on the magazine
cover is Kat Von D, a famous tattoo artist, who has a hit show called
"LA.Ink." Lindsay LOVES her. She wants to be just like her and wants to look like her. Lindsay wants to attend art school so she can one day own her very own tattoo shop. She also wants to be covered with tattoos. On her mirror are photos of her favorite bands. Avenged Sevenfold and Jeffree Star. Like Kat, they are covered with tattoos. Kat also did some of their tattoos as well. I angled this photo the way i did so you could get a good look at the way she dressed, and to make it clear to see who she looked at everyday when she got ready. I enhanced the brightness on Kat to show that she is Lindsay's idol. I believe that the media has a huge impact on young girls. Especially, with the way that they choose to dress and how they want to plan their future.


SlayersHeart said...

I agree with what you have stated, and I also see some symbolism here. The make-up and lotion on the dresser symbolize things that the media says will make girls look beautiful. The camera angle is also slightly downward which can symbolize the pressure put on them from society and their friends to look good. The fact that more 'child-like' toys are on the left with the make-up on the right shows the progression of influences as a child to it's effect on the future. This style of dress is also different from what women are 'supposed' to wear according to society. It is, however, a popular style in certain groups at school which shows the influence from friends along with the media.

Kelly D said...

I think that this photo perfectly displays how the media plays a big role in all young teenagers lives. As im sure the young girl in the picture didnt just wake up one day and say I wanna cover my body in ink! But from watching the show LA Ink and looking at her favorite bands in magazines all have tattoos, she decided that thats also what she would like to look like. In a way she even looks up to those people even though the girls with all the tattoos are not following the gender code by being all girly and covered in sparkles. The layout in this picture is angled so you can see what she is trying to copy and how her looks resemble the pictures.

Kathryn Lawrence said...

I also believe that this is a perfect representation of how big of an influence the media plays in the lives of teenagers. Due to the glamorization of the this one person teenagers are affected from their style of dress to choosing their life goals.
I also love that in the foreground you can not see her face; that makes it easier for one to not see a specific person, but to apply a generalization to see anyone.

Kmpagan said...

This picture shows how girls often idolize celebrities and do whatever they can in order to be just like them. Celebrities play a HUGE role in the socialization of males and females. They are the people that teenagers and pre-teens are looking up too. They are the ideal "perfect" people. Young girls and boys often feel pressure to be just like their role model, instead of being themselves. It is okay to have a celebrity that you look up to but you shouldnt lose who you are. Look up to them for WHO they are and now for what they look like.

Mercedes said...

Music is a field of entertainment which is very idolistic. Celebrity music artists create the grounding of what raves within that industry and that influence is then carried through by other outsourcers such as tattoo artists. Tattoos are very important in the music industry because they try to promote individuality, creativity, strength and endurance yet somewhere, someone is going to have the same tattoo as someone else. What is often failed to be realized is that one way or another, the idol obsession will fade but not the tattoos. unfortunately.

melissao said...

This photo is very stereotypical of one we might see in a movie or on a television show. Possibly even in a commercial. Teenage girls trying to fit the gender role that the media thinks they should. What bothers m is how much make up this girl is wearing, and all the things she has on her mirror, as if to remind herself what she needs to achieve.

Unknown said...

I love this photo! The LA Ink girl on her mirror is a great example of young girls looking up to celebrity role models. The girls dark make-up and dark clothes are a replica of Kat's from LA Ink. All of the hard-core stickers and papers around her mirror just exemplify the girl's personality more. The fact that the girl can look at herself in the mirror and then look down at Kat is a perfect way to describe a child looking up to the media.