Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Nine Going on Nineteen

From: Kelley
 This is a picture of a little girl getting ready for school. She is straitening her hair because that’s what tabloids say is pretty. Her booty shorts give a reason for boys to notice her, because it's what all the older girls wear. All the beauty products surrounding her is what she feels she needs in order to be liked. She's not playing with dolls or riding her bike, which is usually normal for children her age should be doing.


lindseyum said...

I think this picture shows exactly what should not be happening to girls at this young of an age. In my opinion, her shorts are way to short for someone so young and at 9 years old make-up should be worn for dress-up purposes only. The media is roping in girls at younger and younger ages and soon some of these images in the media will introduce premarital sex and an unacceptably young age.

Krystal Morgan said...

This picture really shows girls younger and younger are trying to be older. A nine year old really should not be worrying about have boys notice them by wearing short shorts and putting make-up on their faces. Instead she should be worrying about school and playing with items more age appropiate. The media is really shaping young girls to try to look and act a certian what when they really should not be worried about how they look they are still innocent and young and this just creates more problems for them in the future.

danielles said...

This photo shows the stress and pressure that women have to go through every day. But the main factor is that it is begining at younger and youger ages every day. Girls never take the time to enjoy their adolecense they just want to be women. They want to be attractive and do everything necessary to get the attention of that guy. Or to be the prettiest girl in school. Young girls are taking extreme measures to be the ideal beautiful girl. Girls at the age of nine shouldn't be worried about whether their hair is straight or curly, or how short their shorts should be to get the attention they believe they need to feel beautiful.
If someone who works for the media or advertisement saw this photo you woud only hope the brief thought of "what are we doing wrong?" would cross their minds. Brainwashing these young girls minds to make them feel less than what they are at such young ages. Making it clear that there is always room for improvements...

chelseascott said...

I think that this is a good example of what the media shows children they need to be like. In the photo, her face his hidden, which in my opinion, shows that she is somewhat ashamed of what's going on. She doesn't want to show her real face until she's as beautiful as what the magazines tell her she should be. She's straightening her hair, because she's told her natural hair isn't good enough. And finally, she's wearing short shorts because that's what she believes she needs to do in order to get the acceptance from boys, and get the attraction from boys that they're told is "attractive".

Unknown said...

This picture shows how little girls are acting/dressing like teenagers. Short shorts and straightening her hair to me is that the parent doesn't pay attention to her or just let's her get away with it. It's almost like bad parenting. Parents let there children do whatever they want and get away with it.

Mercedes said...

I think there is such a problem with this photo, not the photo itself, but the message behind it. The fact that children never give themselves a chance to experience childhood and then later blame it on the parents, is what is a real problem for me. Society is forcing children to grow up and skip that prime era of their childhood. She's 9, she shouldn't be flat ironing her hair and going out with that outfit on.

melissao said...

This photo is very disturbing to me. I honestly cannot wrap my head around why ANY parent would allow a nine year old to dress in such a manner or to straighten their hair. She needs to be on a bicycle, outside playing with friends. This has definitely taken it too far. When is enough, enough?

Unknown said...

This picture kind of makes me sad. It shows a young girl, probably barely in her teens, living up to what girls in their late teens, early twentys do. I don't even think I owned a hair straightener at this age. Girls tend to engage in activities at such a young age these days that it is truly disheartening. She is too young to be going out in shorts that short and tops that low. At her age she should be covering herself up more. Her boots are very mature for her age and I like how she is staring into the mirror because she's looking for a reflection that she can compare to in the tabloids and tv commercials.

Anonymous said...

How cute

Anonymous said...

Nice butt

Anonymous said...

I just came to get a screenshot she looks yummy

Anonymous said...

Eat that up. Good girl

Anonymous said...

Hopefully this trend continues until our culture allows us to lick 'em while they're ripe... ;9

Anonymous said...

She made me cum thank you