Monday, March 28, 2011

A Need for Perfection?

From: Chrissy
I chose to take a picture of a young adult getting ready for a date. Girls always struggle with what to wear, but I think when it comes to a date, there is even more pressure to look perfect! The media puts this pressure on girls, there is always the notion of the ideal girl, the picturesque tall model. If we take a look at Barbie, she is the tangible version of perfection. She is very tall, has the perfect outfits, and always has makeup on. It is very interesting that she is what many young girls see as perfection, because she would not be able to live if she was a real person! Now wonder many girls have body image issues.

I chose to have tons and tons of makeup laid out to symbolize the girl’s insecurities.No matter how much she tries to cover up her flaws, she is frustrated because she doesn’t view herself as beautiful. This is also why she has so many clothes piled up around her, she wants to look the best she can for her date, but she always has the “perfect image” on her mind, that us the tall picturesque model. The girl feels that no matter what outfit she tries on, NOTHING looks good enough for her figure. The girls expression I think says it all, is almost as if she is saying “HELP?!, I need to look perfect, if I don’t my date will think less of me .


Melanie R. said...

So this amazing guy asks you out to dinner. You’re so excited you cannot wait but then you have your oh no moment. You start to freak out! What am I going to wear? How am I going to do my hair? Do these shoes match? Does this make me look too easy? We all ask ourselves these questions. Women will take days or even a week to prepare for this first date. We all have this image of what we are supposed to look like and it’s not realistic. We want to look like these starving models that we are brainwashed to believe that are so beautiful. It’s called Photoshop. No woman looks like that naturally. I know we want to impress this guy but if he wasn’t interested in you then he wouldn’t have asked you out in the first place.

Will Charles said...

It is more likely for a female to spend a long time getting ready than a dude and yes the media does put this pressure on women just because we expect them to look there best when going out.

Unknown said...

Girls can definitely feel pressured to be perceived as the perfect girl. They want to say the right things and dress the right way. Girls want to be sexy not cute, but they don’t want to come off as a slut either. Media makes it so hard on girls to have good self-esteem. The way media portrays the “perfect girl” makes men have unrealistic views on a girl and can make a girl go crazy!

abbyb123 said...

When it comes to a date the girls are agonized with the what if factor. What if I don't wear make-up; Will he think I'm ugly? What if I wear some really nice clothes; will he think I am high maintenance? We are so worried about looks now a days it isn't even funny. We want to make sure we look perfect when in reality if a guy doesn't love you at your worst then he isn't worth your time. So we do we go thru so much pain and glamorizing for them to not care half the time. Life is hard on females especially when it comes to dating.

Unknown said...

Great picture to portray the stuggles we all go through to make ourselves seem more attractive on teh outside for a date. I really liked how the picture was set up to show the time and effort this girl is going through to make sure she looks perfect and has the perfect outfit on. Pulling out alot of clothes, and shoes to make sure they match perfectly and look awesome on her. Also, having all the make up out shows how much time she is putting in to make her exterior look really good and cover up the flaws she may think she has. This picture is so relateable beacuse we all do it and it is in our nature to look best for those we want to have romantic relationships with.

Kristina said...

This is a great picture of how being a woman in today's society has much more pressure then being a guy. We do spend hours on what we are going to wear, how our hair will look, and how we should do our makeup or what shoes to match with the outfit. The image of "looking good" is a first impression and us girls want the guy to have that Good first impression look! I do think that women do spend WAY more time getting ready and it is way more important to us, at least most of us. Being pressured into being perfect is perceived very much today being a woman. Life being a woman when it comes to dating feels like it is much more important to being perfect and looking that best every time.

Erica M said...

Girls do feel so much pressure and face so much criticism when it comes to appearance. You hit it right on the head when you say the ideal image is something women -at least 99% of them-cannot achieve. The media defines perfection and it will never be a concept easily achieved by mainstream women. This unrealistic expectations lead to so much low self-esteem and body issues in young females.