From: Margo With her hand on her hip and showing how well she can match up beads for her braids, 3-year-old Da’Lahni knows how to be a diva. She knows she’s a girl. And she knows that girls are meant to be pretty. Her little shirt says “GLITZ”, and she believes that she should live up to that. Da’Lahni does this by letting her mom and aunt do her hair. She’s the only toddler I’ve met, that waits patiently for 3 hours for her hair to get done. But in this photo her hair isn’t finished, and neither is Da’Lahni. Just like her hair, she’s only at the beginning of where she will someday be. At 3 years old, she has a lot of growing up and developing that she must endure.
This picture really shows that all little girls at a very young age have already learned that they need to be girly and that the way to be girly is by having your hair done, makeup done, and having the right clothes. Little girls observe the way their mothers get ready and try to imitate them and be as much like them as possible, the same goes for little boys and their fathers. As much as girls want to be girly boys want to be manly.
I really like this picture. It expresses how young girls develop and know what girls do at a young age. They have there main role model which is there mom an what ever she does, she does as well. Other than that the women in little girls lives express "girly" things. Such as toys, clothes, hair products, and jewerly. At a young age it sticks to them because they know these things express what girls are. This little girl in this photo expresses it really well.
This picture is very telling. It shows that even at the age of three, we are still aware of gender scripts. She know that she wants to live up to the "girly" image. It is almost as if the little girl is saying, "I know that I look good! Little girls watch the disney movies and see the princesses and want to emulate that image.
Great picture to depict how young girls start early in being consumed with there looks. This littel girl is playing her girl script by being fashionable and keeping her hair done. Her parents probably also play a role in this as they tell her to look pretty she has to get her hair done and wear really girlly outfits. This is how gender roles continually get passed on and the culture seems as though it will never change.
I completely agree. She is learning the gender scripts so early...she knows that she wants to be beautiful and she knows how to be and it doesn't matter what she's going to have to do to get there. Girls are taught "Beauty is Pain" and Da'Lahni already understands this concept.
What a great symbolization on how a little girl slowly grows and develops into a Diva. This photo clearly shows society that we need patience and everything is done in a process, not everything happens fast. There are so many details that are given throughout the picture of how this little girl is maturing and what direction she could possibly go in the future. In addition, this is showing the vieweer of the photo how girls have distinct gender styles and they tend to follow the direction that their peers lead them.
Little girls acting like divas is something we see all the time. Little girls may learn from older sisters how to act like a diva and how to dress like one to. Sometimes the mother isnt always the key role if the girl has an older sister. They want to do just about everything their big sister does and sometimes the big sister will encourage the little one to wear makeup and dress like a diva at a young age as well. This picture really captures how very young girls know already that they want to be beatuiful and maybe think they have to be beautiful to fit in.
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