From: Jodi
There is so much expected from girls these days. Girls feel that they need to wear lots of makeup and do their hair the perfect way and even wear the perfect clothes to get a guy to notice her. In the magazine there is a girl wearing a short dress putting on heels. As someone reads this magazine the reader may feel that if they look "perfect" like the girl in the magazine they will have a guy notice them. Some girls wear makeup, heels, tons of jewelry, perfume and hair products to be notice. What really gets someone noticed is their personality. Everything is not all about looks, it is about natural beauty. The lighting is black and white because beauty can be painful, what is fun about being put through pain to impress someone. There are a lot of small things like the earrings, the bracelet, the lip gloss, the mascara but it all adds up to the big picture which the beauty part is. Every make up brush stands for something. There is the eye shadow brush, the blush brush, and the lip gloss brush. Everything has its own place. Beauty does not have to be so painful. There is a person for everyone that likes you just for who you are.
I think you hit the nail right on the head. There is not a day that goes by where I don’t feel the pressure to look and act a certain way. I absolutely hate wearing heels but, what do I find myself doing every night out putting on some high stilettos just to “look good”. I like the way you staged the bathroom because in actuality that is how my bathroom looks most of the time. I find that when I dress a specific way I get attention from the wrong kind of guys and it gets very annoying. Guys don’t look past the makeup I put on and the dress and see the personality that lies beneath it all. Then when you shot a man in our society you are strong and intelligent women they get turned off because they don’t want to be out shined by a woman in my opinion. Our society tells us that we need to be beautiful so we can be the “trophy wives” for these kinds of shallow men. However not all men are like this but there are a select few. There is most definitely a person who will fall in love with someone for who they are not what they wear and how our face bodies and make up look.
This picture and explanation is very accurate. It is not just for women either though, the same thing goes for guys also. Our society is so set of looks and appearances that everyone is affected by what people think of the external appearance of men and women. If a person dresses a certain way that is not up to society's standards then they are looked at as weird or an outcast. Society does not care about your personality or kind heartedness they just care about looks. Its all about how skinny and attractive you are but that is not the only thing. Men try their best to look good for women also we just do it a different way.
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