Friday, October 9, 2009

Open Water

From: Macey
When I looked out into the ocean, I noticed this group of young teenagers; four boys and one girl. As the boys rushed and rammed through the waves, the girl daintily hopped over and swam away. This shows the stereotypical adventurous boy and the timid girl. The body language also represents the two different attitudes. The boys have open arms, some are splashing, one boy is even holding onto a surf board ready to plunge into the wave thrashing towards him. The boys are also trying to impress one another and are preparing to catch the wave before any of the other boys. As one boy moves forward, so do the others. The girl on the other hand is folding her arms, closed off, and very indifferent. She is making no attempt to compete, just as some women are today in the business world, sports, and other situations in life; intimidated. The girl also cares what others around her think, as she constantly looks around and is very unlikely to press forward deeper into the ocean. The girl tries to act mature, like most girls do, making more thought over their own decisions, which the boys have no intention on doing. I wanted to show the distance between the two groups by the open water. Instead of the two groups coming together and riding the waves as one, the boys ignore the girl, only playing among their own, while the girl secludes herself.:


jmarshall said...

This does demonstrate the adventurous boy versus passive girl. This is one of the major gender stereotypes that influence an individual's life. Boys are more likely to take initiative and pursue things while girls are taught to be conservative and let things come to them. This seriously hinders the success of an individual in our society. The photo also portrays socialization of helplessness. The girl is on her own, perhaps even struggling and completely incapable of taking care of herself in the given environment/situation. She is waiting for a boy to come to her rescue. The only reason she may not be able to keep up is mentally because she has been taught this by society. She believes she needs help.

CarolineD said...

The way people behave even in the ocean reflects on their personality. Boys are seen to have more violent attitudes and this shows when they are playing roughly in the waves. Girls are more dainty in the water and dont want to mess up their look. Gender reflects the attitudes of one another.