Monday, March 28, 2011

The Price of Being a Girl, What Are You Willing To Pay?

From: Melanie
In this photo you can see various products that your average woman uses throughout life. You can see the various shampoos, conditioners, treatments, creams and an assortment of make-up. Women are pressured to maintain their appearance by using all of these products. To maintain a youthful appearance is something that every woman strives for. Women will pay hundreds of dollars to keep up this ideal appearance. I see this all the time because I work at an upscale salon and spa. Women making sure their hair color is always done, hair is always styled, full face of make-up, and they’re using all the latest cleansers, masks and creams. It never changes. Women want to look like their favorite celebrities. They are never happy their own appearance. They will always look for ways to improve. So the question is what are you willing to pay?


Unknown said...

Women spend so much throughout their life on beauty products trying to become the best “ME” that they can become. All of the products Melanie chose to use are expensive. For a small bottle of shampoo or conditioner it can run anywhere from thirteen to thirty dollars. She also uses all Bare Minerals makeup, which is expensive. These are all products that you need to restock every few months and the cost adds up, but women are willing to pay. Some things that we do to our bodies aren’t healthy, like tanning, but we still choose to go despite the risk factors and we do this to keep up with the standard of beauty. Women are willing to do anything to maintain their beauty.

Kristina said...

I love this does say something about how women will buy and pay excessive amount of money and products to look good, young and keep up to today's society. I know myself being a woman, I do pay extra for hair products and makeup because I want it to look good and right. These products are expensive and things that a girl will buy, and keeps buying. To keep the beauty image and up to date with todays models and celebrities, woman will buy and strive to look and feel the same as them. To maintain the beauty is something in a woman's eye the most important in today's world.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

This photograph clearly represents the way women perceive beauty, and that it plays a major role in their lives. Although it shouldn’t be; makeup, styling products, and hair strengtheners are what most women live by. In addition, every girl, teenager, and women wants to portray their idol or just be glamorous. Sometimes I wish the media would not emphasize these products because it often makes a woman feel like she has to look a certain way in order for people to like her. Also, I wish there could be a day where no woman is allowed to wear makeup or style their hair. To be specific, it’s about what’s on the inside and not what’s on the outside. Lastly, every single person is pretty regardless of how they look.

Ty-Ty said...

I love your picture!The standards that society has placed on women to be beautiful is ridiculous and really expensive. I think women are always under a lot of pressure to keep with what's "hot". I personally a victim, I find myself spending hundreds of dollars on hair extentions and clothes. I really enjoyed reading your post!

Stefan B said...

The photograph shows part of the ridiculous assortment of products found in a modern feminine applied chemistry laboratory. They are intended to enhance beauty, but they remove nature. Many, no doubt, claim to be all-natural, but that does not make them safer or less harsh than products entirely synthesized in a lab. After all, some plants naturally produce cyanide, but that doesn't make cyanide safe. The exact chemistry of each product, no doubt, is extensively researched in an effort to mold appearance, without regard for whether the human body is designed to tolerate such modification. (But, for some products, the exact opposite is true: they contain no ingredient that actively produces the intended effect, instead relying on the placebo effect to produce a result. Most of the tangible result is financial.) Then, each company dresses up the product in attractive packaging, slaps an "all natural" label on it if their lawyers say they can, and spends millions of dollars to convince anyone to purchase the product.

On the technical side, the photograph's lighting and composition could be improved, e.g. by not using built-in flash and by using a more extreme point of view.

melnanie said...

I can definitely relate to this article. I tend to overspend on beauty products from time to time, and I end up having buyer's regret afterwards. This article is a bit of an eye opener as to why some women do spend so much on beauty products. They are not satisfied with their appearance. This article actually helped me realize on whether it's worth spending on these beauty products that are essentially not a necessity. Life would be much simpler with that type of mentality.

Unknown said...

Great photo by this author to show the daily products used by women worldwide to make them look younger and prettier to others. The media has a big hand in this pressure women take on to look their best each day. Back in the day, due to there being no media, women did not focus on their outer apperance as much when trying to please a man or friends. SO the media influences can strongly affect how one sees themselves. Also, all these product cost money so the media portraying these products are getting lots of money from the insecurrities of women today.

Christy S. said...

The answer is question is quite simple, woman are willing to be anything to become their ideal self. From a marketing standpoint this is genius because woman are never satisfied with their own looks! the more the media emphasizes "ideal beauty" the more woman are willing to pay. There are even risks woman take to look perfect that can be harmful, take for instance, plastic surgery. As long as woman are insecure, they will be willing to pay!

Erica M said...

Sometimes I want to criticize this concept because I do think it is ridiculous how much money, not to mention time and energy, females spend on their appearance, but it is hard because I am not myself exempt. Advertisers and franchisers know exactly how to appeal to girls and get them to use their product, service, etc. I honestly don't believe anyone is exempt anymore, it is no longer a want, these things are now necessities to women. The products add up and is extremely expensive.

William said...

Its always amazing to me to see all the stuff woman use to get ready. The blow dryes and the hair straigtners, and then all the product that goes with it. It doesnt take guys nearly half the time it takes girls to get ready. This picture really demonstrates how media puts it in womans head that they must buy all of this stuff to be consideres beautiful. Sometimes natural is just the way to go.