From: Kacey
In this photo there is an average teenage girl who is disgusted with her body. As we can see she is an average girl who is in great shape. To her she is not. Above her mirror is a picture of the perfect body that she wants. This super model is so tiny that to her that is what every girl should look like. We have media blowing pictures of girls looking like that and it does not help girls who do not. Eating disorders and depression may start due to girls feeling pressure from media and even girls around them. This look is pushed in to people heads that this is what every girl should look like. This struggle is the number one thing that girls deal with when growing up. The girl in the photo is faced to a mirror looking up at a super model. I chose this position because looking in the mirror shows a reflection of yourself. Some times what people see in the mirror are things they do not want to see and they keep going back to see if it changes. By her looking up at the picture is showing that this body is what she wants. She is grabbing her stomach because she knows that there is not supposed to be something there to grab. She sees that there is nothing on that super models body and she is disgusted by it. It is sad to see girls who deal with this struggle. No matter what size they are,
everyone is perfect.
A lot of girls struggle with their body image. Media portrays the perfect woman as being stick thin, with big boobs, and long legs. But that is not every girl’s body type. Girls should aim for a realistic healthy goal if they are unhappy with their bodies, but they shouldn’t become obsessed over something like becoming “super model sexy”. It’s sad that so many people develop eating disorders over something like this. It’s no fun hating yourself so a person should really try to love their body no matter what! You can tell this girl doesn’t even want to look at herself in the mirror because she doesn’t like what she sees.
I think today's society, heavily influenced my media, is so superficial and focuses so much on the "perfect" and ideal body image that every girls should long for. That shouldn't be the case, because it takes such a high toll on self esteem and what I think should be encouraged is not setting standards to look beautiful, but to promote being healthy, confident, and embracing yourself, flaws and all.Ultimately, we cannot change who we are, that's how we were born and that's who we'll always be at the end of the day. I empathize with these girls who feel the need to look a certain way.
This picture shows the stuggle of millions of girls around the world. The pressure from the media and peers to look perfect and skinny really takes over a girls mind. I can fully relate to this picture beacuse even though I know im not fat or out of shape I still feel the need to compare my body to others especially those who are stars. Its unattainable the things sometimes we see in the media and yet girls go through depression, diets, and eating disorders to get their body this way. It makes you wonder if one ever did become this size how diffrent would that make them as a person or would that change how they were percieved by others? Great photo!
In this photo it shows how normal everyday ladies try to look like someone in the magazines. They might think that the models are the perfect size and how they may be fat in need to lose weight. This goes on in everyday life people kill to lose so much weight when they don’t even have to. Just knowing people that want to be a stick figure “perfect” person is just sad. I don’t understand why people do it so often. This photo shows a perfect example.
This picture is what every pre-teen (or any woman for that matter goes through) If we look at the image of barbie, she is so skinny and tall, but in real life she would not even survive. the media puts so much pressure on young girls to be perfect! I believe strongly that if girls have a problem with their bodies, they should do something abut it, it's the notion of if you look good, you feel good.but if it's media pressure, let it go.
I really like what you did in the framing of the photo and how you had the girl looking at the model rather than herself, despite the fact that she is in front of a mirror. I think that really depicts the problem so many young females have today. They don't see what they are, they only see what they aren't. They don't see the things that are beautiful about them, they see what could be better, what could be more perfect. It is a sad truth, but very well conveyed in this picture.
This picture shows insecurities that most women and lots of girls share. The media can be credited for this insecurity. The perfect image that celebrities and models have on the cover of magazines is virtually unattainable, since they are all airbrushed to look that way anyways. We are always to striving to be thinner so we can look good summer or prom or back to school. These problems have led to health problems in women and girls such as bulimia or anorexia and a string of other psychological problems.
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