Monday, April 26, 2010

Laundry Queens

From: Jessica

I took a picture of a 17 year old girl doing chores. She is doing men’s laundry showing how women must take care of their men. Little girls are taught at a young age that they must do the house work. They are taught this through the different kinds of toys they play with. For example, “…girls are associated with domestic tasks such as a toy vacuum cleaner and kitchen center” (195). Girls are also identified by the kind of clothing they wear. Pink symbolizes girls and blue symbolizes boys. The girl in the photo has a symbol on her shirt that represents peace because women are raised to be more passive and not aggressive. They are calm and are to “keep the peace”. In this picture it’s like the girl is trapped in the corner. This symbolizes that women are stuck doing house work because men feel like it’s not their responsibility. The pants in the picture are much bigger than the girl doing the laundry. This may symbolize that males think they are superior towards women and have a bigger role in life. When women are stuck doing the house work they are not happy. It is like a real job. The girl in this photo is not smiling and does not look happy at all.


KayK said...

Because men appear stronger than women in our society some men do believe it is our job as females to care for society. It's not just caring for the family but we have to have peace even in public with other even if we don't agree with them. It is very less common for men to be encouraged to keep peace instead their taught to dominate women and then the world. To me pink is also a color that symbolize peace and love and that is why women are taught to like this color.

Kelsey L said...

This picture is a good example of how women have full time jobs outside of work. The cook, they clean, they do laundry, and they take care of the kids. Although in today's society we are beginning to see a change, and men are starting to take more responsibility around the house, women are still doing most of the work.

Mercedes said...

This photo I believe gives off several messages which can include the suppression of women and their positions, inclining them to their households. This photo also gives off the impression of the physical dominance in which men have over women. The symbolism that is on her shirt is key in her already pre-determined peaceful role of the house-wife, and the ability to maintain peace within her marriage, with her children, and in her life as a whole.